First Puzzle: A picture of an historical landmark placard that was mostly smeared out. The image had some pretty clear rope fencing and wooden pillars like those found around docks. Under the image was the clue “Terry A. Francois & Mission Bay.” There was a box in the image that was blank but obviously outlined a word. There was a corresponding box under the clue for you to put the answer.

Answer: Bosel
Logic: It was easy to pull out an iPhone and use Google maps to find what stood on the corner of Terry A. Francois & Mission Bay S. It was clear that it was a yacht club or boat house. The hard part was figuring out the street number for that location. We searched for a list of yacht clubs in that area of San Francisco and figured out that it wasn’t the Mariposa Hunters Point club since it didn’t match up. Therefore it was the Bay View Yacht Club. Next we searched the website of the club and flickr to see if they had the placard available. An hour later we were preparing to drive into the City and find the placard ourselves. Just as we were going to leave, one last search brought up a picture on the yacht clubs website of the placard. From the image it was easy to see the answer was the name of the original Bosel Boat house.
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